The Wayuu women make the most decorative and highest quality mochila bags on our planet. Their craftsmanship and living conditions are much to be admired and if you haven’t had the opportunity to meet us personally please check our YouTube/Vimeo channels to learn more about their livelihood. We are constantly posting new clips and interviews from our trips to Colombia which are supported by English captions.
This year we introduced the new Water and Macrame bracelets which gave jobs to more than 20 women in Risaralda and Bogotá in Colombia and helped our monthly water supply donation to 3 different villages in La Guajira Desert. It is important to clarify that we are not a charity. We are a consumer brand with a social mission that supports local artisans and helps to provide jobs to women living in challenging conditions.
For the rest of the year we at Castellano have one last challenge. We are launching a crowdfunding campaign on the Kickstarter platform which has supported the growth of a number of creative projects globally. Many of you may not be familiar with Kickstarter but let us take a second to teach you it works. We will create a campaign based on a new backpack which with your support will be launched into production. The backpack is one that we have designed over the past two years and will be sourced by the highest quality materials. The campaign will support the Wayuu women further in their search for improving their living standards and we hope to make a real difference with your help.
We will send you more details when we launch in September but I leave you with this clip of how we can give back water supply to the Wayuu families in La Guajira -Colombia.
Daniela Castellanos